Welcome | Girard & Co.

Hey Everyone!

Thank y'all so much for joining me on this new adventure of blogging! I have always wanted to start a blog but never actually gave it a chance. So here we go! 

First I will give a little back story about myself and why I thought I would start sharing my doodles and a glimpse inside my life! 

I started my first Bullet Journal about a year or 2 ago and have fell in love with it. I really got into it when I could NOT find a planner that fit all of my needs and I had a LOT of other things I needed to keep track of (wedding planning, events, travel plans, holidays, families, ect). 

I am extremely OCD. Sometimes I really annoy myself with how much I have to have everything organized and planned out. *Fun Fact: I have 3 planners/calendars (one on my desk at work, my bullet journal, and my phone) + everything is color coordinated. 

I also have a mild case of ADD that I control with doodling. If you know me in a work,class, or meeting setting, than I have to doodle to keep my brain focused on what is going on or being said.

So when I discovered bullet journal (via Pinterest) I instantly ordered all the supplies to get started and probably checked my shipping info every other hour.

I am super excited to share everything in my journal with y'all and not only do I bullet journal for me personally, but I also LOVE calligraphy and have been doing customized signs for over SIX years! So I will of course be showing some of my work for that and maybeeeeeeee setting up an Etsy account to grow my small business that I currently do for friends and family!

Now to a little bit about myself and my family! 

My name is Haylie Elysha Girard and  I am 27 years old + my birthday is August 14th (LEO)!

I was born and raised in a small town in East Texas. 
I was blessed with 2 older brothers that I absolutely adore and look up too.

I met my husband (Hunter) in High School but didn't actually become friends until college.

We were best friends for 3 years (before dating) and we both had huge crushes on each other, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

We finally started dating on May 17, 2014 (at his brother and my best friends wedding) and got engaged 3 years later on June 1st, 2017.

We had a SHORT engagement (5 months) and we said our vows in front of 200 family and friends on October 28th, 2017.
Now I have the honor to have 6 sisters, 7 brothers, 2 nieces, 1 nephew, and another nephew on the way! 
(I am missing 2 sister-in-laws & 1 brother-in-law in these photos)

I have 2 college degrees from S.F.A.S.U.: One in Computer Science and the other in Hospitality.

I have 2 cats, one fat (Gizmo) and one fluffy (Keeks).

I am so excited about this and I hope you enjoy following along all my doodles, calligraphy, and my life!



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